Time:2020-06-28 14:18:20Read
Temperature is an important factor that affects enzyme activity in the metabolism of nutrients in broilers. Because broilers grow vigorously and metabolize quickly, the temperature control directly affects the healthy growth and feed utilization of broilers. If the temperature is too high, the chickens will eat less and drink too much water to grow slowly; if the temperature is too low, the yolks of the chicks will be poorly absorbed and easily cause diseases such as indigestion and increase feed consumption. Below we investigate this issue and draw the results shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Comparison requirements of chicken age and room temperature
Day/week old | Room temperature |
1-2天 | 34℃ |
3-4天 | 33℃ |
5-7天 | 32℃ |
2周 | 31-29℃ |
3周 | 28-26℃ |
4周 | 25-22℃ |
5周以后 | 21-18℃ |
Note: The reference temperature for the flat maintenance of the trademark dimensional litter can be reduced by 2°C on the basis of online maintenance.
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